Leos Picture Day

How to Order:
In the email that was sent to all families, an electronic version of the picture order form was attached (we've included it on this announcement). You can order pictures on the website at www.leosphotography.com using the order code FAL192264. If you place your order online, your student does NOT need to remember to bring any packet or paperwork to picture day.
If you are unable to purchase online, picture packets will be available in the front office for your student to pick up tomorrow and Friday. Please note that if you choose not to purchase online, the packet and payment will be due at the time of pictures.
*100% Virtual Students: If you are comfortable to do so, please plan a time on your cohort day to stop by the building to get your picture taken. You can come anytime between 8am and 2pm. Please remember to wear a mask when you enter the building, check in at the main entrance and attest in using Skyward. We will get you excused from any class time you may miss.
*Running Start: If you have a class on campus, please plan to get your picture taken before or after that class. If you have no classes on campus, stop by either day between 8am and 2pm.
If you have further questions, please call us at 509-922-5488 option #5.