Library Media Center » Guidelines



Library Book Checkout Guidelines:

  • Nonfiction and fiction books may be checked out for a period of 2 weeks. Reference materials are checked out for overnight.  Magazines are checked out for 1 week.  The due date is stamped on the date due slip in the front of the item.  Bring the item to the library prior to the due date to request a renewal. 
  • Students are financially responsible for lost or damaged items.

Textbook Checkout Guidelines:  

  • Textbooks are checked out for either the academic year in two semester classes or for one semester in single semester classes.
  • Students are responsible for the textbooks and should not leave them lying around or loan the textbooks to someone else. 
  • Do not write in the textbook.  [Use a "Post-it" to note information or flag specific paragraphs.]
  • Damaged textbooks will be assessed fines.   
  • Lost textbooks will be assessed for the replacement cost of the book.  
  • Cover your textbook.  A book cover identifies your book in the event it is switched in the classroom or study session.  Also, the textbook is less likely to be damaged or stolen.   
  • All textbooks checked out during the school year are due at the end of the school year.  Students no longer enrolled in a class need to return the textbook to the library immediately. 
Student library book and textbook fines will posted on their Skyward fee management account.   
Library book and textbook fines must be paid in the WVHS Business Office.